Congratulations by A.Sargsyan on International Women's Day
March 7, 2022
Dear mothers, sisters, daughters,
I warmly congratulate you on International Women's Day.
May feminine charm, love, and care be your companion forever.
This beautiful spring holiday is another occasion to send words of honor and gratitude to all Armenian women, whose role is unique and invaluable in the strength of the family, the development of the state, and the construction of the future of our country.
With special appreciation, I would like to congratulate all my colleagues in the field of education and science highlighting the great contribution of a teacher, lecturer, scientist to educate generations and build our future victories. After all, there is no more powerful force than knowledge, a human armed with knowledge is undefeated.
Continue your noble mission of preserving the nation, ensuring the awakening and progress of our Homeland.
Congratulating you once again on International Women's Day, I wish you unwavering happiness, family warmth and many professional achievements.
A. Sargsyan,
the director of the International Scientific-Educational Center of the NAS RA