Certificates to Participants Having Successfully Accomplished Online Course on English for Specific Purposes
December 27, 2018
The Academic Scientific Research Computer Network of Armenia (ASNET-AM) in partnership with International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA conducted a free-of-charge online course of English for IT and Technical Sciences for its member organizations. The main aim of ASNET-AM is to provide state-of-the-art networking, computing and data solutions to the Academic, Scientific, Research, Educational, Cultural and other organizations of Armenia and beyond, which are preliminarily engaged in the scientific and educational activity. The ASNET-AM is the National Research and Education Network (NREN) of Armenia. In the course of two months, the course participants improved their professional vocabulary related to IT and technical sciences via this online course, as well as developed their speaking and listening skills. The aim of the course was to support the members of the ASNET-AM to improve their knowledge of the English language to promote their participation in international conferences and projects.