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Torch march In commemoration of the 99th year of the Armenian Genocide

April 25, 2014

Atrocities against Armenian people in 1915 will always stay in the history and memory of the Armenians. Every year, from generation to generation with the imperishable feeling of grief, pain and compassion Armenian people commemorate and mourn over their lost victims in Armenian genocide in 1915. Till now, 99 years ago, we remember, condemn and deeply grieve.
ISEC NAS RA students along with professors on April 24th, in commemoration of 99th year of Armenian genocide raised their protest against massacre in 1915 by participating in the candle lighting process and joining annual march with torches towards Tsitsernakaberd to pay their tribute of respect to our innocent sufferers. 
Torches and candle symbolize solidarity of Armenian people while fire is our unyielding will and everlasting struggle.