Armen Sargsyan unanimously re-elected as the Director of ISEC NAS RA
June 19, 2024
Director of the International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA Armen Sargsyan was unanimously re-elected on June 19 during the RA NAS presidency session.
During his professional career, Armen Sargsyan held various positions at the International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA, included Head of the computer laboratory, network administrator, Deputy Head of the educational department, and Head of the information technology department. Since December, 2020, Armen Sargsyan has been the Director of the RA NAS International Scientific-Educational Center.
Under Armen Sargsyan's management, different activities were carried out, aimed at ensuring competitive education in the Center, expanding cooperation with leading international universities which resulted in an increase in partner organizations and international mobility, creative research projects were implemented, new chairs and Master's programs were established that addressed contemporary issues and labor market demands, new scientific laboratories created and a media laboratory was established to produce contemporary media content for the target audience. At present, a number of significant procedures are being executed, and essential measures are being taken to guarantee their continuous advancement.
During the session, Armen Sargsyan gave a presentation on the 2024-2028 strategic development program of ISEC, emphasizing that the vision of the Center is to establish a research university that will foster a scientific and creative environment, and innovation, promote the harmonious and effective interaction of research education, science, and production.
The environment and infrastructure required for the organization of research education will be continuously modernized and improved; the research component of master's programs will be increased; the topics of master's theses will be linked to the scientific subjects taught in the Center and the RA NAS institutes; the participation of students and postgraduates in scientific programs will be encouraged; and cooperative relationships and implementation of joint projects with the international top scientific and educational institutions will be expanded.
The staff of International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA congratulates the Director Armen Sargsyan on his re-election, and wishes him continued success in his creative and productive work for the Center's continued growth.
Public Relations and Career Department of ISEC NAS RA