A Joint PhD Program//Doctoral School will soon be launched at ISEC and EIU
April 20, 2023
Within the framework of Erasmus+k2capacity building project in higher educationon Reforming Doctoral Education (DE) in Armenia in line with needs of academia, industry and current EU practices (ARMDOCT), in March-April, 2023, regular meetings were organized by the staff of the International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA, as a part of the program and thoroughly covered the paperwork and procedures required for the operation of the doctoral school jointly with Eurasia International University. PhD program/Doctoral school
Throughout this period, online meetings were also held with the representatives of the partner university, details of the joint educational program, planned lists of subjects by components, directions and opportunities of the practice organization, various issues related to the admission, training and certification of doctoral students/postgraduate students were all taken into consideration
During the meetings and discussions, the following documents were summarized and submitted for consideration of colleagues:
• Joint Doctoral Program Agreement
• Sample of Joint Doctoral Program Agreement
• Procedure of Joint Doctoral Program
• "Sustainable Development" educational program of the Joint Doctoral Program.
During the upcoming visit to the University of Lyon in France, the drafts of the abovementioned documents will also be discussed with program international partners.
Public Relations and Career Department of ISEC NAS RA