ISEC Provided Annual Activity Report 2023
December 18, 2023
The International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA held its annual report meeting on December 15. The presentation of the ISEC annual activity report 2023 was on the agenda. Members of the RA NAS Presidium, representatives of the Scientific Council and Directorate, as well as the ISEC staff attended the meeting.
The Director of ISEC NAS RA, Armen Sarsgyan, welcomed the attendees and gave a summary of the organization's accomplishments during the reporting year. The expansion of collaboration with top international universities, which has seen a noticeable increase in partner organizations and international mobility, as well as the active implementation of creative research projects and the establishment of new chairs that are tailored to the demands of the contemporary labor market and modern challenges were specifically mentioned, the creation of scientific labs and the opening of new media-laboratory was highlighted that will supply the target audience with contemporary media content. Along with a number of other significant activities that are currently being put into place, a special emphasis was also placed on the faculty members of ISEC presenting their scientific articles in prestigious international scientific periodicals. It is imperative that the right actions be taken to ensure dynamic development.
Artur Ishkhanyan, Academician-Secretary of the RA National Academy of Sciences, who was present at the meeting, approved the implemented programs and expressed interest in the ISEC’s planned activities for the upcoming years, particularly in terms of enhancing the university's scientific component, fostering international cooperation, and advancing its vision as a research institution.
A. Sargsyan emphasized the priority directions and perspectives of ISEC in the areas of research, science, education, international cooperation, and social responsibility during the extended question-and-answer session. The measures that have already been put in place to implement scientific educational programs and research in compliance with international standards and the demands of the labor market were specifically highlighted. Other initiatives included training and preparing researchers and specialists in line with the current requirements of science, education and economy, the internationalization of education and ensuring competitiveness. The involvement of professors of Armenian nationality from abroad in the educational process has already begun in order to guarantee the process of involvement of ISEC in the ranking tables of the best universities. "The ISEC's vision is to become a research university that offers a scientific creative environment and is guided by innovations, promoting the harmonious and effective interaction of research education, science, and production," A. Sargsyan stated in his speech.
The outcomes of research projects undertaken by academic teams and labs in the areas of bioinformatics and physics, which serve as a vital source of inspiration for the field's ongoing advancement, were also showcased during the session.
Upon wrapping up the meeting, the members of the Scientific Council overwhelmingly approved the ISEC's annual summary report, thereby endorsing the successful initiatives undertaken.
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