The AFISHE Program Staff Training Course Has Been Launched
March 7, 2024
On February 26, the staff training program of the "Development of Aquaculture and Fisheries Education for Green Deal in Armenia and Ukraine: FROM EDUCATION TO ECOLOGY" (AFISHE) Erasmus+ CBHE project was launched at the University of Dubrovnik (Croatia), which was attended by RA partner educational institutions of the program: International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA, National Agrarian University of Armenia and Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology of NAS RA, as well as Ukrainian partners: staff representatives from Sumi National Agrarian University and Rivne National University of Water and Environmental Engineering.
The professors and coordinators of the project guided the participants from Armenia and Ukraine to different departments, simulation centers and labs. The team members were familiarized with the material and technical base of the University of Dubrovnik and visited the main structural departments that ensure the educational process.
The University of Dubrovnik (UNIDU) has well-equipped simulation centers where they simulate different situations and create different conditions for driving the ship, to study water quality and calculate the pollution of water.
The participants worked individually with instructors and students in the robotics, remote control of ships, radio and television communication, restoration, and other educational laboratories.
The training participants also visited the UNIDU Rectorate Building and met with vice-rectors. Training details, and prospects for further collaboration were discussed.
On February 28 all the participants visited the Department of Applied Mariculture in Bistrina Bay, where aquaculture - crustaceans and mollusks were grown - all technological steps, laboratory control, nutritional standards were presented in details. Then
a practical instruction on local sea fish species and pathology (General ichthyology and Ichthyopathology courses) was carried out at the Dubrovnik Fish Market. Participants were familiarized with the most popular local fish species, their main pathogens, and principles of veterinary control at the market.
A meeting-discussion was organized with the staff members and Professor Sania Tanish to finalize the content structure of educational module. The main groups of algae and the macro- and micro-belonging species that can be used to develop the direction of aquaculture were separated. A comparative analysis was carried out between the presented teaching programs.
A hands-on course on the species and pathology of local marine fish was held at the Dubrovnik fish market for the trainees in the Fisheries and Ichthyopathology courses. The most prevalent marine fish species, their main pathogens, and the fundamentals of veterinary control in the industry were introduced to the participants.
ISEC NAS RA Department of Public Relations and Career