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AFISHE Working Group Visited "Sevani Ishkhan" Fish Breeding Enterprise

July 11, 2024

On July 11, a working group of the program "Development of Aquaculture and Fisheries Education for Green Deal in Armenia and Ukraine: FROM EDUCATION TO ECOLOGY" (AFISHE) Erasmus+ CBHE, jointly implemented by International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA, Armenian National Agrarian University and Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology of NAS RA visited "Sevani Ishkhan" CJSC fish-breeding enterprise located in Karchaghbyur village, RA Gegharkunik marz.

The goal of the visit was to get familiar with the potential for planning and implementation of the research and hands-on learning of students enrolled in the joint master's program in "Fish Farming," starting in 2024–2025 academic year.

It should be mentioned that "Sevani Ishkhan" CJSC is the only institution in the area that uses the brand new processing technologies, produces a wide range of fish products, and is involved in the reproduction of the endemic fish species, Sevan trout.

The working group was greatly impressed by the "Sevani Ishkhan" fish farm’s current capacities. There, they learned about the entire cycle of small fish production and breeding, as well as how the natural reproduction of native subspecies of Sevan trout is ensured.

This huge fish farm, which is involved in the localization of the worldwide experience of sustainable and organic fish farming, as well as the localization of the fish product certification, and the development of the aquatic animal and plant breeding and processing branches in Armenia, will serve as the best research platform and learning hub for students to receive an education through the use of cutting-edge technologies and scientific experience; to conduct scientific research in the field of fish farming, and to stay up to date on the most recent advancements in the industry.

Reminder: The overall goal of the projects is to decrease the negative impact of aquaculture and fishery industry on the environment in Armenia and Ukraine through the designing and development of Master’s degree programs in aquaculture and fisheries, that is benchmarked to high-quality similar programs in Europe and responsive to national and regional needs, and strengthening the university-enterprise-research cooperation (concept "from education to ecology"). The latter will create a platform for collaborative educational and research initiatives in aquaculture and fishery that will generate ecologically based strategies and programs in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the EU Green Deal.

ISEC NAS RA Public Relations and Career Department