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A Visit to ''Our House'' and an Open Lecture

February 15, 2016

On February, 12, 2016 the Dean of the International Scientific-Educational Center of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Head of the Chair of Psychology Naira Hakobyan, Associate Professor Mariam Mehrabyan and a group of volunteer students visited “Our House” organization. The organization provides young girls with a family environment, who are parentless or deprived of parental care and who grew up in Children’s homes of Armenia or led an unfavourable lifestyle in their childhood.
The organization, in line with its mission, provides young people with a proper, comprehensive educational and disciplinary process, helps them to orientate in the choice of profession, to understand family relations exerting every effort to develop mentally and physically healthy, free, self-confident, unconstrained individuals with Armenian upbringing for the purpose of shaping socially suitable citizens.
"Our House" provides its fosterlings with spiritual, cultural, musical and physical education depending on their preferences, promotes professional orientation providing them with the opportunity to continue their studies in vocational or higher education institutions.
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor Naira Hakobyan delivered an open lecture entitled «The World from Our Window» simultaneously highly appreciating the moral and psychological atmosphere of «Our House», compassion and commitment towards each other, the handicrafts of their talented fosterlings and the activity organized on the occasion of Tyarndarach religious holiday.
Words of gratitude were heard about the Head of the Organization Mrs. Tigranuhi Karapetyan and the entire pedagogical staff, who spare no effort to fulfill this noble and humanitarian work, expressing hope that within the framework of cooperation memorandum the relations between «Our House» and the International Scientific-Educational Center will further expand taking into account the great willingness of Master students of Psychology to perform volunteer work in this organization.