A New Incentive of Non-formal Education and Cognition of Youth Work
May 5, 2018
Federation of young clubs and ISEC of NAS of RA put into practice together a long-term international programs in recognition of youth work and non-formal education which officially started in NAS of RA on the 20-th of April. Neither in Armenian or nearly in any European country is competitive. It’s a pity this youth work is not admitted in Armenia on the state level either. There are experienced employed workers who are mainly working in young organizations. 2-4 representatives from Portugal, Belgium, Check Republic, Sweden, Poland, Bulgaria, Rumania, Belarus, Turkey, Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia took part in the conference. The participants presented both young organizations, research institutions and governmental bodies. International scientific and educational center of NAS of RA created conditions for the formal part which later will assist the program "Non-formal youth work and formal youth research" in the present and further platforms. "We are honored to welcome you in NAS of RA. We are happy to carry the program and be the partners. We are sure the masters’ education gives us chances to integrate quickly into the scientific society and create scientific thinking. We are ready to share our experience on the educational platform of different countries. We have to pass a long way together, I’m sure, with success, because we are ready to join new bridges for formal and informal education which will contribute to the youth work international success" - mentioned Azniv Shahazizyan in her speech, the head of Alumni Relations and Employment Department at the International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS of RA. Young people from different countries who are willing to get that kind of education with the help of those courses will be able to study in distant masters’ courses, get the diploma and work with the young. After the graduation, they will get the qualification of the young employee.
Next international programs are to be realized in Georgia, Check Republic, Ukraine and Belgium.