Օnline Academic Exchange Courses in the Field of Tourism
October 5, 2021
Since September 15 within the framework of the academic exchange of students, based on the bilateral Agreement on Academic and Cultural Cooperation between the International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA and the State University of Rostov-on-Don, it was decided to organize on-line courses for the ISEC "Tourism Management" Master degree programme 2nd-year students aimed at the development in the field of tourism.
ISEC "Tourism Management" students will participate in the lecture "Quality Management in Tourism and Hospitality Industry Enterprises" delivered by the Associate Professor O. Almuhamedova and the lecture "Technologies of Tourism and Recreation Design and Territorial Development " delivered by the Associate Professor T. Grigorenko.
The lectures on "Intercultural Communication" for the students of Rostov University will be delivered by the Associate Professor G. Grigoryan, the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of ISEC NAS RA.
High quality lectures aim at enhancing students' knowledge in the field of tourism.