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Тhe World Environment Day

May 7, 2014

The Planet we live in is just nothing but a gloomy and arid place without nature. Inversely, the world we make is shiny, colourful and bright if it is in harmony with nature. In our fast-paced world we have to realize that that we are a part of the universe and we should see and appreciate it. 
Students of the International Scientific Educational Center of the National Academy of Sciences in Boghosyan Gardens once again emphasized the importance of nature in our life. With different thematic posters, appeals and exhibition areas they called upon society to be sensitive to our surrounding environment to keep it green, clean and preserved since little green corners in our planet help us to take a rest from our reality. 
Little guitarist with their performance congratulated us all on the World Environment Day the message of which for all of us is to realize that every time we damage the nature we make our place duller and more tarnished.