The Emma MOOC platform: instructional design and educational affordances
September 10, 2021Erasmus+ Lecture: MOOCs and Instructional Design
Topic: MOOCs and Instructional Design
When: 16 September, Thursday, 11:00-12:30
Venue: ISEC, Room 2.3
Lecturer: Prof. Rosanna de Rosa, UNINA, Italy
The Emma MOOC platform: instructional design and educational affordances
Born in 2008 as a pedagogical innovation at scale the first MOOC was launched by Siemens and Downs with the title MOOC: Connectivism and Connective Knowledge course (CCK08), but the year to the MOOC was the 2012 when the concept was popularized by media information and public debate. During these years, much in changed for the education field with the Pandemic has spread the distance education at any level. During this presentation, prof. De Rosa will presents the European MOOC platform EMMA, built in 2013 by the University of Naples with the collaboration of a large university partnership and still on the market to support innovation in education.