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11 Feb

COMPETITION ahead of Book Giving Day

February 11, 2025

The International Scientific and Educational Center of NAS of the RA is holding a contest on its Facebook page on the occasion of Book Giving Day.


The prize is Malcolm Gladwell’s bestseller "Outliers: How Some Achieve Success" by, which the publisher introduces as follows: "In the book, the author presents the factors that contribute to the achievement of an individual's goals in life. In support of his thesis on achieving success, he studied why most Canadian hockey players have their birthdays in the first few months of the calendar year, why residents of the city of Roseto almost never have heart attacks, how Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates achieved incredible wealth, and The Beatles became one of the most successful musical groups in human history, how cultural differences affect people's perception and rational decision-making, or why different individuals with exceptional abilities, such as Christopher Langan and Robert Oppenheimer, have completely different destinies"

The results of the competition will be summarized on 18th February at 2 pm.

The winner will be identified randomly using the system of https://commentpicker.com/.

Competition terms: on the Facebook page .


ALL participants who have fulfilled all the conditions of the competition will be given one issue of the popular scientific journal "In the World of Science" of the NAS of the RA .