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4 Oct

Law School

October 4, 2018

The Law Clinic of the ISEC NAS RA and the Alumni and Career Development Department organize a law training course entitled "I Know My Rights".

Today, we live in a time when it is impossible for someone not to know the rights of others. It is worth mentioning that the person who is informed is protected.

The purpose of the training is to raise the legal awareness of the society, the knowledge of laws, the protection of personal rights and interests, the increased interest in law among young people etc. The training is also a great opportunity for those lawyers who have difficulties to find a job due to the lack of practical knowledge.

Lectures will be held by the best specialists in the field.

The trainings will be organized at the ISEC NAS RA and will last a month, three times a week, at 18:30-20:30. At the end, the participants will be awarded certificates. The classes are free.

For applicants, the following criteria are mandatory:

  • Age: 18 - 60,
  • Higher education (student or graduate);

Anyone who qualifies for the school may apply for the above mentioned criteria.

The application package includes:

Send the necessary documents to the following e-mail: mikichparsadanyan@mail.ru.
Incomplete applications will NOT BE CONSIDERED by the admissions committee.
Application deadline is November 4, the classes begin from November 13, 2018.
Successful graduates will be awarded certificates.

For more information, please call: 055-61-71-13