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February 26, 2016

The 6th CALL of the “Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education and Research for Development – APPEAR” has been recently opened!
APPEAR is a programme of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) with the aim to implement its strategy for support of higher education and research for development on an academic institutional level in the ADC’s southern priority countries and key regions and in three priority countries of the South Caucasus and Black Sea Region.
The overall objective is to strengthen the institutional capacities in higher education, research and management in the addressed countries through Academic Partnerships with Austrian higher education institutions and master’s and PhD scholarships as a contribution to effective and sustainable reduction of poverty.

The main instruments of the programme:

  • Preparatory Funding
  • Academic Partnerships
  • Advanced Academic Partnerships
  • Master's and PhD scholarships

Deadline for submission: 31 May 2016
Guidelines, application forms and additional information available at www.appear.at
Should you have further question please do not hesitate to contact us APPEAR office
directly at appear@oead.at, Contact person Michaela Handke