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Schedule of Professional Examinations (Part-time)

Admission Exams Schedule

 Part-Time PhD Study of ISEC NAS RA

for 2017-2018 Academic Year

N Scientific Institutions Specialization Kod Exam
Day, Hour
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. Institute of Informatics and Automation Problems Mathematical and Software Support of Computing Machines, Complexes, Systems and Networks Ե.13.04 02.11.17
h. 1000
Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Program Complexes Ե.13.05
2. Institute of Physical Research
Laser Physics Ա.04.21 07.11.17
h. 1000
Condensed Matter Physics Ա.04.07
3.  Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry
Inorganic Materials Technology Ե.17.01 08.11.17
h. 1100
Inorganic chemistry Բ.00.01 07.11.17
h. 1100
4. Institute of Chemical Physics Physical chemistry Բ.00.04 03.11.17
h. 1000
5. Institute of Botany Botany, Mycology, Ecology Գ.00.05 06.11.17
h. 1300
6. Institute of Hydroponics Problems Microbiology.Biotechnology Գ.00.07 08.11.17
h. 1100


Institute of Physiology


 Physiology of human and animal  Գ.00.09  08.11.17
h. 1100

SPC "Armbiotechnology"

Microbiology.Biotechnology Գ.00.07 07.11.17
h. 1500
9. Institute of History History of Armenia Է.00.01 03.11.17
h. 1100 
World History. International relations Է.00.02
Historiography, Source Studies
10. Institute of Oriental Studies
World History. International relations Է.00.02 07.11.17
h. 1400
11. Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography Archaeology Է.00.03 07.11.17
h. 1400
Ethnography (Genealogy) Ethnography Է.00.04
Folklore Studies Ժ.01.05
 12.  Institute of Linguistics  Armenian Language  Ժ.02.01  02.11.17
h. 1200
General and Comparative Linguistics Ժ.02.02
 13. Institute of Literature Armenian Classic Literature Ժ.01.01 08.11.17
h. 1400
Foreign Literature Ժ.01.07 08.11.17
h. 1200
14.  Institute of Art  Fine Arts, Decorative and Applied Arts, Design ԺԷ.00.03
h. 1300

 Musical Art ԺԷ.00.02
 Architecture  ԺԸ.00.01
 15.  Institute of Economics Economics, its Branches and Management Ը.00.02   03.11.17
h. 1100
Finance, Financial Accounting Ը.00.03 03.11.17
h. 1000
16. Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law 
 Social Research Methodology, Economies, Social Technology and Process ԻԲ.00.01 07.11.17
h. 1400
Philosophy Թ.00.01 03.11.17
h. 1400
Political Institutions and Processes. International relations ԻԳ.00.02 06.11.17
h. 1400
17. Genocide Museum-Institute 
Armenian History Է.00.01 04.11.17
ժ. 1200
18. Shirak Center for Armenological
 Armenian History Է.00.01  06.11.17
ժ. 1200   
Է.00.04 03.11.17
h. 1400