Seminar-Discussion on "The RA Security Environment and Hybrid Threats"
February 2, 2024
On February 2, a seminar-discussion on "Security Environment and Hybrid Threats of the Republic of Armenia" was held at the International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA, which was conducted by the founder of the Armenian Institute of National Resistance, Ph.D. Gevorg Melikyan.
Both students from ISEC NAS RA and other RA universities attended the seminar. G. Melikyan provided a meaningful presentation to the attendees regarding the threats and crucial challenges affecting the national security of the Republic of Armenia which are closely linked to the global changes occurring in the region and around the world.
The speaker referred in detail to the latest security threats, highlighting the spheres of multi-layered operations and the variety of tools which have brought the concepts of "hybrid war", "hybrid attacks", "hybrid threats" to the fore in new meanings. In particular, it was specifically noted that information security issues play a significant role in the hybrid attacks against Armenia, which encompass both technical and cyber-security related attacks in addition to substantive, media-related activities, manifesting as propaganda, disseminations of fake news, and fabrication of narratives with deeply affecting psychological attacks. Numerous directions frequently reinforce one another, enhancing the final effect.
Additionally, C. Melikyan discussed cognitive wars—a type of warfare in which unique techniques are employed to manipulate human consciousness, without resorting to physical force. A thorough and insightful question-and-answer session was arranged for the seminar conclusion.The participants thanked Gevorg Melikyan for his insightful information and exciting discussion with thoughtful questions.
ISEC NAS RA Department of Public Relations and Career