David Pipoyan, a lecturer of "Environmental Protection and Nature Management" Department of Ecocenter and ISEC NAS RA, delivered lectures at the University of Agriculture in Kraków
June 29, 2022
On June 14-21, 2022, a lecturer of "Environmental Protection and Nature Management" Department of Ecocenter and ISEC NAS RA, head of the Informational – Analytical Center for Risk Assessment of Food Chain at Ecocenter, Doctor of Clinical Nutrition at Tuscia University in Italy, Davit Pipoyan delivered lectures at the University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland, within the framework of Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Program.
The lecture for university students was on "New Methods of Nutrition Intervention". Discussions on two more topics ("Risk Assessment of Nitrofurans" and "Health Risk Assessment Resulting from Buckwheat Consumption") were organized for the teaching staff of the university, graduates and international students.
With the representatives of the university teaching staff, David Pipoyan also visited the laboratories of the Faculty of Food Technology and got acquainted with the research capacities and infrastructures of the university.
Aimed at strengthening bilateral close cooperation, meetings were organized to discuss the opportunities of implementation of joint projects, attended by professors of the Agricultural University of Krakow, as well as Armenian colleagues, Gohar Khachatryan and Professor Karen Khachatryan.
Public Relations and Career Department of ISEC NAS RA