"Over the years of studying at ISEC I have acquired a wealth of professional knowledge," – Valentina Balagyozyan, Master’s student of ISEC
May 17, 2023
Valentina Balagyozyan is presently completing her second Master's degree at the International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA.
Valentina graduated with a bachelor's degree from the Faculty of Biology, Chemistry, and Geography at the Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan. She decides to pursue her Master's degree at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of ISEC NAS RA after receiving a specialization in Biology. Subsequently, she chose to pursue a second specialization in molecular and cellular biology.
Currently Valentina is a first-year student at the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology of ISEC NAS RA.
"Over the years of studying at ISEC, I have acquired a wealth of professional knowledge, mastered cutting-edge methods used in pharmacology and molecular biology research, and most importantly, I have got the opportunity to work in the laboratory of adenyl compound metabolism at the RA NAS Institute of Biochemistry named after Buniatyan, where I am currently working as a junior researcher," notes Valentina.
Valentina claims that her professional development was significantly impacted by the Master's degree she received from ISEC, which also gave her access to valuable scientific conferences and seminars.
"A number of qualities, such as diligence, responsibility, sustained self-education, passion for work, etc., are necessary for success in the workplace. Additionally, as an ISEC student, I recommend undergraduates to take charge of their education throughout their years of study, continually educate themselves, and utilize the ISEC's research resources", concludes Valentina.
ISEC NAS RA Public Relations and Career Department