Launching a New Partnership between ISEC and NCDEI Foundation
February 15, 2023
On February 13th, in a joint initiative of Atom Mkhitaryan, Dean of ISEC NAS RA, and Lilit Adamyan, Head of Public Relations and Career Department, a meeting was held with Artashes Torosyan, Director of the National Center for the Development of Education and Innovation, and Lilit Mkrtchyan, Head of the Department of Educational Innovation and Research.
During the meeting, issues of implementation of joint scientific and educational projects, expert consulting, analysis of scientific papers, support for young specialists and researchers, as well as effective organization of the practice of students of the Master's program "Education Management" and organization of joint cooperation in other important areas were discussed.
An agreement was reached to sign a memorandum of cooperation in the near future between the International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA and the National Center for the Development of Education and Innovation aiming to support the reforms and programs implemented in the field of education.
Public Relations and Career Department of ISEC NAS RA