An outstanding American-Armenian scientist and Nobel laureate Ardem Patapoutian was awarded a Diploma of an Honorary Member of the NAS RA
June 20, 2022
An enlarged sitting of the presidency of the NAS RA was held on June 16, 20 at the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia to award Ardem Patapoutian, a prominent American-Armenian scientist and Nobel laureate, with the diploma of an Honorary Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. It should be reminded that Ardem Patapoutian was elected an honorary member of Armenia’s National Academy of Sciences by the June 9 decision of the General Assembly of the RA NAS.
The President of the NAS RA, Ashot Saghyan expressed his gratitude to Artem Pataputyan for his fruitful scientific activity, handing over the diploma of an honorary member of the NAS RA. "I cordially congratulate you on a great achievement, which is also considered to be one of the achievements of the Armenian people," – emphasized A. Saghyan.
The event was also attended by the administration members of the International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA, led by director A.Sargsyan, as well as representatives of the teaching staff and students.
At the event a substantive roundtable discussion was held among the participants, during which the representatives of the Center also had the opportunity to address their questions to the Nobel laureate Ardem Patapoutian.
At the end of discussions, on the initiative of Ashot Saghyan, an agreement was reached on a new cooperation with Ardem Patapoutian, within the framework of which during his next visit to Armenia, he will get acquainted in more detail with the activities of research centers and the institutes of NAS RA.
It should be noted that Ardem Patapoutian is taking part in "Science and Business Days 2022" held by the RA Ministry of Economy.
Ardem Patapoutian is a famous molecular biologist, neuroscientist. On October 4, 2021, Ardem Patapoutian was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2021 for his discovery of receptors for temperature and touch.
Born in 1967 in Beirut, Ardem Patapoutian moved to the United States in 1986. In 2000 he became a lecturer at the Scripps Research Institute. From 2000 to 2014 he worked as a researcher at the Novartis Research Foundation, and then at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Currently Patapoutian is a professor in the Dorris Neuroscience Center at Scripps Research in La Jolla, CA, and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator.
The Public Relations and Career Department of the ISEC NAS RA