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Person Detection and Identification in Images: French Experience

December 8, 2016
In the frames of Erasmus+ Credit Mobility Programme Professor Philippe Joly from the Informatics Research Institute of Toulouse (IRIT) held a seminar and a series of open lectur...
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Erasmus+ Contact Seminar with Eastern Partnership Countries

December 6, 2016
With the financial support of the European Commission from 28 to 29 November 2016 in Kiev (Ukraine) Erasmus+ Contact Seminar was held for the Eastern partnership countries to deepen cooperation with...
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Republican Conference Dedicated to the 73rd Anniversary of RA National Academy of Sciences

November 29, 2016
On November 28, 2016 on the initiative of the Students’ Scientific Society and the Students’ Council of the International Scientific Educational Center of NAS RA a republican scientific...
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