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Professional Achievements in Teaching Foreign Languages

April 3, 2017
Highlighting the importance of continuous education of foreign language educators and the acquisition of new professional skills at the highest level, Arusyak Harutyunyan, Head of Foreign Affairs...
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Training in Distance Learning Launched

April 3, 2017
In the frames of ''Online Master's Program with Joint Diplomas'' grant project the training of the academic staff in the construction of online courses has launched at ISEC NAS RA. During four...
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Universite Toulouse 3-Paul Sabatier (UT3-PS): Erasmus+ Success Story

March 22, 2017
In the frames of Erasmus+ Credit Mobility the first-year students of "Informatics and Computer Engineering" Department of ISEC NAS RA Artur Mkoyan, Hakob Hakobyan, Hovhannes Vrtanesyan and Vardan...
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