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20 Feb


February 20, 2023

In the frame of Erasmus+ KA107 ICM Project implemented between ISEC NAS RA and the University of Tuscia, Italy, a selection mobility call is announced for the teaching staff of the Department of «Management» in ISEC.

The project offers a competitive opportunity to teach for one week in the second semester of 2022-2023 academic year in the Department of Economics, Engineering, Society and Business Organization (DEIM) at Tuscia University.

For the participation in the selection, the following required documents must be submitted by February 28 inclusive, as one pdf document to the following e-mails: arusyak.harutyunyan@isec.am and ella.papikyan@isec.am.

The official website of the University of Tuscia is http://www.unitus.it/

The webpage of the DEIM department is https://unitusorienta.unitus.it/en/dipartimento/department-of-economics-engineering-society-and-business-organization/

For further enquiries, please, contact the Foreign Affairs Department of ISEC NAS RA at 060-62-35-98 or e-mail at the mentioned e-mails.