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20 Feb

Announcement of Service Provision Agreement

February 20, 2014
In 2014, February 19th, ISEC NAS RA and RA citizen Vanik Elizbaryan within the frame of the programme “Education Quality Assurance and Compliance” signed an agreement N ԳԿՄԿ-ՀԿԾ-02/14 on...
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17 Feb

Conference Invitation

February 17, 2014
Public Administration Academy of the RA organizes an interuniversity conference devoted to the 20th anniversary of PAARA establishment on the “Problems in Ensuring Efficiency of the Public...
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11 Feb

Announcement on Signing Purchase Agreement

February 11, 2014
In 2014, February 10th, ISEC NAS RA and “Mets Tsiatsan” Ltd. in the frame of the component “Ensuring Quality Assurance National System» of the second programme ...
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