"Molecular and Cellular Biology" PhD Program of NAS RA Underwent External Review
April 4, 2017
In the frames of EU Tempus "Veritas: Structural Development of the Third Cycle Based on Salzburg Principles Project" 11 higher education institutions will undergo external review of their PhD programs. On April 3 the expert group visited the Molecular Biology Institute of NAS RA for the external review, where they discussed the self-assessment of the PhD program and other relevant documents, had meetings with the scientific supervisors and PhD students to discuss issues they are concerned with, as well as had visits to the relevant infrastructures – labs, computer labs and library.
The expert group includes two local experts, one international expert, one student expert (PhD student) and one observer from a partner HEI. The process is coordinated by the Professional Education Quality National Center.
The self-evaluation report of the PhD program had been drawn up by the working team of NAS RA within the frames of EU Tempus "Veritas: Structural Development of the Third Cycle Based on Salzburg Principles Project".