Workshop “Promoting PhD: Why? And How?”

Yerevan State Medical University on June 16-17 organized the third workshop on PhD Promotion Tools within the framework of VERITAS “Structural Development of the Third Cycle Based on Salzburg Principles” EU Tempus Program.
Marine Balasanyan, YSMU representative and TEMPUS “VERITAS” grant holder, with her speech greeted the guests and opened a two-day workshop, giving floor to the participants to make their presentations.
Armenian partner universities (YSMU, YSAFA, YSU, YSLU, YSUAC, ASUE, GSU, SPIV, NU, NAS RA, PAARA, ANQA, RA SCC, MoES) and representatives from EU partner universities (WUS, UHMF, UdG, BSU, KTH) made their reports by presenting their experience in the promotion and popularization of PhD programmes, reforms in degree awarding process,
PR tools, internationalization tools, inter University cooperation, linkages of HE with industry, labour market research, etc.
Arusyak Harutyunyan, the head of the foreign affairs department of ISEC NAS RA presented NAS RA in the workshop and made a comprehensive presentation on NASA RA internationalization opportunities for PhD, funding distribution, linkages of NAS RA research organizations with industry, etc.
In the end of the workshop Susanna Karakhanyan, the head and a member of the project administrative group informed participants on the upcoming activities and deliverables of the project.
VERITAS project’s website ( and a VERITAS newsletter (with circulation of twice a year) were introduced during the workshop.