Workshop “HEIs Road - map Development and Fact Finding” Heidelberg, Germany
November 11, 2014
Within the framework of the Tempus VERITAS “Structural Development of the Third Cycle Based on Salzburg Principles” a workshop on the development of the road-maps of Higher Educational Institutions was organized on November 3-5, 2014 at the University of Heidelberg, Germany.
Partner universities from EU countries (WUS, UHMF, UdG, BSU, KTH) and Armenia (YSMU, YSAFA, YSU, YSLU, YSUAC, ASUE, GSU, SPIV, NU, NAS RA, PAARA, ANQA, RA SCC, MoES) were present at the workshop.
PhD department head Karine Begoyan, Foreign Affairs department head Arusyak Harutyunyan and Foreign affairs chief specialist Angela Papikyan presented NAS RA at the workshop.
During the three-day meeting, EU and Armenian partner universities reported on their HEI current situation, problems and possible solutions. During the group work discussions there was organized a working group who will be responsible for the development of the road map criteria guidelines. Coming actions and milestones within the project have also been fixed for their further implementation and coordination.