Veritas Final Conference Held
October 13, 2017
The final conference of Veritas project was held at State Medical University after M. Heratsi: the stakeholders of Tempus "Structural Development of the Third Cycle Based on Salzburg Principles" project presented the main achievement, the best practice and discussed how to ensure the further applicability of the results.
The National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, as represented by International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA and Institute of Molecular Biology of NAS RA, is one of the stakeholders of Veritas project and had its contribution in the sustainability of the project.
Thus, in the frames of the project, the SWOT analysis of NAS RA was carried out in line with the Salzburg principles, Strategic Plan of "Molecular and Cellular Biology" PhD Program and "Molecular and Cellular Biology" PhD Program of Institute of Molecular Biology of NAS RA have been developed, the self-evaluation report of ''Molecular and Cellular Biology'' PhD Program has been drawn up.
It should be mentioned that Vice Director of Institute of Molecular Biology of NAS RA made a speech on ‘Research Environment in PhD Education’ and the information handbook of "Molecular and Cellular Biology" PhD Program was presented.